22 Self-Care Tips for 2022

22 Self-Care Tips for 2022

Many thanks to Colorado Spirit Counselor, Ally Burdick, for writing this week’s piece.

2022 is already here. With another New Year’s mark come and gone, you may be asked about any resolutions or goals for the upcoming year. The idea of resolutions can be a great sentiment, even if we may not accomplish everything on our list. One way we can keep the sentiment of resolutions without the stress and pressure of succeeding is to reframe what we expect from ourselves.

This year, maybe it is time to try something different. Instead of setting your sights on material things or one tangible goal, try devoting your resolutions to bettering your health and wellness. In 2022, emphasize creating a healthy journey that will inspire and motivate you. Create goals around improving your self-care and overall wellness with these 22 tips for 2022:

  1. Add Variety – Try collecting several different coping skills and self-care strategies to keep in your back pocket. Adding tools to your tool belt can only help expand your knowledge and help you grow. It can also be useful if one of your skills suddenly becomes unavailable.
  2. Try It With A Friend – Good overall health and wellness includes having positive connections with others. We have especially seen this during times of quarantine and lockdown. Trying self-care activities with friends can add another element to help you relax.
  3. Make Time for Your Routines – Having a morning and/or nighttime routine can help you feel more relaxed and focused throughout your day. Routines can also help us leave time in our day for things we enjoy.
  4. Leave Room To Grow – As we grow and experience new things, the coping mechanisms we use to soothe ourselves may evolve. Expand your tool belt as you grow to assure you continue to help yourself effectively.
  5. Create A Safe Space – The environment that we surround ourselves with affects our mental health. Try clearing up any clutter around your home and investing in making sure it is a cozy and enjoyable place to be.
  6. Write It Down – Writing helps our brains process thoughts and emotions. Journaling can be a great exercise to add to a morning or nighttime routine. Document your emotions, triggers, thoughts, and accomplishments.
  7. Express Gratitude – Practicing gratitude has several health and well-being benefits. Gratitude can also be contagious – the more we spread, the more we receive. Gratitude can also be a good way to reframe difficult experiences and help face future hardships. Watch Colorado Spirit’s Tuesday Talk for a deeper dive into gratitude.
  8. Set Timers – Setting timers can be an easy way to ensure you find time to accomplish your daily tasks as well as make time for self-care activities. Timers can also be helpful when working in groups.
  9. Create Boundaries – Boundaries can be hard to identify, uncomfortable to set with others, and difficult to maintain. Setting boundaries protects both your physical and mental health. Start small and see what is comfortable.
  10. Find your Style – Sometimes we find ourselves to be more productive when we get to individualize our approach. Finding your style of self-care can help you gain more out of it.
  11. Go Outside – Going outdoors can significantly improve your mental wellness. Sunlight, fresh air, and physical activity are all elements we can add to our day to improve our well-being.
  12. Label your Emotions – One way we can explore ways to increase positivity in our lives is to identify what makes us feel happy, safe, and relaxed. On the other hand, identifying when you are feeling stressed, sad, or unmotivated can also be helpful in removing negativity.
  13. Get Moving – Physical activity is a major part in maintaining good overall health. Add an activity that gets you up and moving – try dancing, going for a walk, or yoga.
  14. Share Your Experiences – Often when we are feeling an intense emotion, there are others out there that can relate or have experienced something similar. Sharing your experiences with a trusted person when you are ready can be comforting.
  15. Prioritize Sleep – Sleep is an important part of our health. When we are without sleep, our brains are working harder throughout the day to function. Set a consistent time to go to bed and wake up and watch your day improve. Read Colorado Spirit’s blog post on sleep for more.
  16. Speak Kindly To Yourself – The way we speak to ourselves can affect much more than we realize. Try talking to yourself as you would a best friend. When we are our own #1 fans, we increase our confidence and boost our mood. Read Colorado Spirit’s blog post on self-compassion for more ideas.
  17. Seek Out Positivity – Surrounding yourself with negativity will impact your mental health and wellbeing. Assure that the people you surround yourself with and the environment around is conducive to your goals.
  18. Explore Hobbies – Hobbies are one of the ways we feed our souls. Spend time engaging in your hobbies and stimulating other parts of your brain by practicing new skills and trying new things.
  19. Practice Mindfulness – Mindfulness is a useful practice that emphasizes being present and aware of your emotions and sensations. Meditation is a great way to explore mindfulness. Read Colorado Spirit’s blog post on mindfulness during COVID-19.
  20. Limit Technology Use – The modern world can be a constant influx of information and news that can feel overwhelming. Limiting your technology use and media intake can improve your overall mood and stress levels.
  21. Celebrate Yourself – Accomplishments and progress should not go unrecognized. Be sure to take time to celebrate how far you have come. Recognizing your successes can help guide your journey forward.
  22. Remove Stressors – Often we think of self-care as adding elements that help us offset the stress and intense emotions we feel. Removing stressors can be just as effective at improving our mental health.

Investing in yourself is a great way to kick off the new year. When we actively practice self-care, we can strengthen our resiliency and increase our confidence. The only person that can define your 2022 is you!

If speaking to someone would help, please reach out.

AllHealth Network provides several supports:

  • To speak with someone in the Colorado Spirit Program about stress related to the pandemic, please call 720-707-6789 or visit our webpage at allhealthnetwork.org/Colorado-Spirit
  • For information about other services at AllHealth Network or to get connected with ongoing behavioral health support, please call 303-730-8858. AllHealth Network is continuing to provide service via telehealth or by phone and our Crisis Walk-in Center remains open 24/7.

If you are experiencing a mental health crisis and are in need of immediate assistance

Please call the Colorado Crisis Hotline at 1-844-493-8255 (TALK) or text TALK to 38255.

How do you know if you’re experiencing a mental health crisis? Click here to learn about mental health crisis warning signs to look out for from the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI).

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